3.9.2010 | 18:32
Nefndin hans Jóns B: - Frankenstein aš lękna sig sjįlfur?
Nefndin hans Jóns Bjarnasonar um fiskveišistjórn ręddi ekki um fiskveišistjórn heldur um hvernig mętti halda įfram meš gjafakvótakerfiš įn žess aš nokkur tęki eftir žvķ. Nefndin var nefnilega skipuš hagsmunaašilum, sem hafa žį hagsmuni aš halda óbreyttu kerfi.
Žaš er bżsna alvarlegt mįl aš endurskoša ekki kerfi, sem upphaflega įtti aš tryggja hagkvęma nżtingu fiskimišanna ķ žįgu allrar žjóšarinnar. Aflamarkskerfiš hefur engu skilaš nema minnkušum afla žorsks og annarra tegunda. Löngu er oršiš ljóst aš hugmyndafręši Hafró um lķffręšilega nżtingu fiskistofna stenst ekki. En hśn gengur śt į aš meš žvķ aš veiša minna megi veiša meira seinna, sérstaklega hefur smįfiskur veriš verndašur svo hann nįi aš vaxa. Žį er hrygningarfiskur frišašur svo hann geti bśiš til fleiri seiši ķ hungursneyš sem skapast af vanveiši.
Žó sķli hverfi, fuglar deyi og sķldir pestist žį skilur enginn samhengiš
Ég var ķ vištali viš Fishing News fyrir stuttu žar sem ég kem inn į žessi lķffręšilegu įgreiningsmįl og beini žvķ til forustumanna sjómanna aš hętta aš makka meš vitleysunni og fara aš snśa sér aš žvķ aš rįšast į hin fölsku vķsindi. Žeim er žó vorkunn žvķ erfitt er aš fį hjįlp žvķ kerfiš ver sig og ręšst ótępilega į žį sem ekki hafa réttar skošanir o menn eru hręddir um vinnuna sķna.
Žį bendi į į naušsyn žess aš hafa ófrišuš svęši til samanburšar viš frišuš svęši sem nś eru ķ tķsku vķša um heim en hafa engu skilaš. Vištališ fer hér į eftir:
Fishing News 20. Agust 2010
Independent Icelandic scientist Jón Kristjįnsson argues that trying to manage natural fluctuations in stock sizes is futile and a completely new and fishing friendlier system is needed.
He questions just how much protection fish stocks need. He has said that as soon as a fishery ceases to become profitable, fishing comes to an end, as has been demonstrated with the Icelandic shrimp fishery
In contrast with the accepted idea that stocks need to be maintained at particular levels, independent Icelandic scientist Jón Kristjįnsson has long been of the opinion that fluctuations in stock size are a natural occurrence within which fisheries management has to work, rather than something we should try to control.
For decades we have seen in Faroese waters that recruitment and stock size move in roughly regular opposite phases. This is nature seeking a balance through these natural cycles. Nature is not stable. Stocks decline as there is less feed available and they recover when feed levels improve. But as a particular stock declines, then there is space and this is what triggers recruitment, he says.
He is adamant that limiting fishing effort will not deliver the expected results. "An area off the south coast of Iceland was closed when some genius decided it was a nursery area that needed protection. Ten years later it's empty, in spite of being protected or because of being protected? "It's just the same as the plaice box in the North Sea.
There is less feed inside those closed areas, so there are fewer animals living there. In the unprotected areas the fish are thinned by fishing activity, so there is room for recruitment.
"Fishing activity stimulates fishing. Any prawn fisherman will tell you that when a piece of ground hasn't been fished for a while, there are no more prawns there. I feel that in Iceland it would be worthwhile to take a big step and open up an area to free fishing such as the area off the north coast from Skagatį and north of Hśnaflói.
"It would be a valuable experiment to see what happens, but I don't believe that government would dare take such a bold step. But with all these protected areas why not have an unprotected area as a comparison?
Mr Kristjįnsson says that the Icelandic fisheries ministry's controversial decision to take shrimp out of quota is a fine example of how little marine stocks actually need protection.
"It shows that fishing on a particular stock comes to an end when is ceases to be profitable, which happens long before that stock is in any danger of being wiped out, he says.
"You can't overfish shrimp, adding that the safety valve of a fishery's profitability guarantees that fishing stops before a danger level is reached.
He says there is also a real possibility that a lot more shrimp could have been caught before than was allowed.
"Like prawns, shrimp is a fishery that takes time to build up. When fishing stops, the stock declines and fishing helps stimulate growth of the population, he says.
Challenging the sciense
Its time that fishermens leaders took the initiative and started to challenge the science and they should be able to seek all the help they need from ecologists, he says.
The methodology of fisheries science today breaks the accepted ecological principles as they are applied to birds, insects and other animals. So why is fish different?
The answer is that fish arent different, but fishery science has been taken over by a generation of scientists who put all their faith in mathematical modeling and the worst of it is that this generation is teaching the next generation, so these myths are perpetuated.
Alternative views not wanted
You could write a book about precautionary levels in North Sea fisheries, says Mr Kristjįnsson, referring to the report that ICES has recommended a 20% cut in North Sea cod while also admitting that data is lacking. According to this, even a zero catch in the North Sea next year will not be enough to bring the cod spawning biomass up to its precautionary level in 2012 but the assumption that any stock needs to be a particular size is just idiocy, he says.
In 2003 Mr. Kristjįnsson completed a report for Scottish fishermens leaders that showed that North Sea haddock were starving.
There were five-year old haddock the size of herring in a sea full of starving fish. I concluded that they needed to fish more to thin the stock but nothing happened and I didnt hear any more, he says.
The same happened in Ireland, adding that as soon as the establishment is challenged, it closes ranks to squeeze out the challenge. Other opinions arent wanted. When we were holding meetings in Scotland with Jųrgen Niclasen, who was the Faroese fisheries minister at that time, there was a whispering campaign that included all kinds of ad hominem attacks to persuade people not to attend.
Its time to stop backing off. Challenge the science. Experience has shown that under the present way of thinking, things only go one way cuts and then more cuts. Cuts lead to increased cuts in the same way that fishing stimulates fishing. I told people this 10 years ago and everything I predicted has happened, he says.
Mr Kristjįnsson has gone on record more than once in saying that no fish stock has ever been increased through protection and goes so far as to question just how much protection fisheries need.
"We can see what's happening in the Barents Sea where there is a great deal of fish, in spite of fishing being well over the advice and over quotas, and with the Russians using small mesh blinders in their gear because of the market there for small fish.
But he predicts that the Barents Sea stocks could collapse at any time when strong fish stocks run short of feed. "There could be a collapse there tomorrow. Fish dont live forever. Fishing is a relatively insignificant factor, although problems occur when fishing effort is reduced and selective fishing causes distortions in fish populations, he says.
Flokkur: Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt 24.9.2010 kl. 21:31 | Facebook
Žaš er lįtiš ķ vešri vaka aš vķsindi rįši för ķ rįšgjöf Hafró um nżtingu fiskistofna.
Mér er sagt aš žaš sé óvenjulegt ķ vķsindasamfélaginu aš gagnrżni sé óvelkomin og gagnrżnni umręšu sé ekki svaraš eša jafnvel hafnaš įn skżringa.
Reyndar fullyrša margir aš žetta hafi tķškast į sķnum tķma ķ Sovétrķkjunum og aš jafnvel ennžį žyki žetta góš latķna ķ Noršur- Kóreu og Kķna.
Ekki er žvķ fyrir Jóhann Sigurjónsson leišum aš lķkjast.
Įrni Gunnarsson, 3.9.2010 kl. 23:33
Frįbęr grein.
Of mikil žekking getur veriš grķšarleg byrši....sérstaklega ef hśn hittir ekki ķ mark. Žaš vita jś allir aš jöršin er flöt og aš Marconi vissi ekki neitt....vķsindin og vķsindasamfélagiš er ekki alltaf jafn vel upplżst og best vęri... žvķ mišur rįša mannlegar tilfinningar eins og öfund og fordómar för.
Žessu mikilvęgara er aš leggja viš hlustir žegar gagnrżni į rįšandi "sannleik" heyrist. Ég tek ofan fyrir žķnu starfi Jón og ég vona aš Jón Bjarnason velji leiš hugrekkis og hefji tilraunir meš nżjum nįlgnunum, sem lķka geta veriš nżttar til rannsóknarstarfa.
Haraldur Baldursson, 5.9.2010 kl. 22:51
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.